Affordable Divorce Attorney San Francisco

San Francisco Divorce Attorney

Affordable Attorney’s Fees | Start With a Telephone Consultation

Keith F. Carr is an affordable San Francisco Divorce Attorney.  The Law Offices of Keith F. Carr charges affordable attorney’s fees for divorce. Do you and your spouse have an uncontested divorce case?  If you agree on all terms, the Law Offices of Keith F. Carr charges a flat rate uncontested divorce fee in that case. Other attorneys could charge you by the hour in this situation.

An uncontested case means that you and your spouse agree on most (if not all issues) involved in a divorce, and you both wish to settle those issues so that the court can issue a divorce judgment without a trial or hearing. Read more about Divorce Settlement.

Whether contested or uncontested, our office focuses on client satisfaction. The Law Offices of Keith F. Carr submits and files all divorce papers, advises you on important legal issues, and monitors the divorce case to make sure the court signs the divorce judgment. Important legal issues involving family law matters may include property division, division of retirement accounts, spousal and child support, and the overall legal process involved. Start by scheduling a telephone consultation now and take the first step for a hassle-free divorce.

Compare Attorney’s Fees

Attorney Keith F. Carr charges an affordable fee for uncontested divorce cases when compared to other lawyers who charge a substantial premium fee, $8,500 to $15,000 for even a simple divorce case.  As an affordable San Francisco divorce attorney, the Law Offices of Keith F. Carr charges only a fraction of this fee that other lawyers charge for a simple, uncontested divorce case.  Visit to see the high fees that attorneys charge for divorce cases. Payment plans are available.

Affordable Fixed Fee

We charge an affordable fixed or flat fee for legal representation where you and your spouse agree on all issues of your divorce. You both, therefore, wish to settle your divorce as an uncontested case. The court may then approve a divorce judgment without further hearing or trial.

Initial Consultation

We offer a confidential telephone consultation, divorce evaluation, and office consultation.  During your consultation, we strive to listen to your concerns, and evaluate your situation to determine how we can help you. Attorney Keith F. Carr will give you a roadmap to the goals you wish to achieve in your case. Schedule your online appointment today.

In addition, we will include a quote of attorneys fees in your case.  Your actual attorneys fees will depend on the complexity of your case and the issues involved.

We have several locations to serve you in the Bay Area.  Major credit cards are accepted and payments are securely processed. 

Let Us Do The Work For You!

Our office submits and files all documentation, advises you on important legal issues, and monitors the divorce case to make sure the court signs the divorce judgment. Do you think you can do it yourself? Read the details in “Starting Your Divorce Case” below. If you do not complete the divorce correctly, the court will simply return your judgment unsigned due to errors in the paperwork.

Do-it-yourselfers know this too well.  What did they do wrong? They did not hire our office. Do not try to do it yourself. Schedule your telephone consultation today.

San Francisco Affordable Divorce Attorney Keith F. Carr
Summary of Affordable Divorce Fees

Should You Hire A Divorce Attorney?

Do you need a divorce attorney? Having an affordable San Francisco divorce attorney is not mandatory. You can proceed to represent yourself. However, it would be a good idea to hire a divorce attorney, and here is why. An attorney will advocate on your behalf in the courtroom and will often be the only voice on your side of an issue. A San Francisco divorce attorney can complete the required paperwork and comply with all rules and regulations the court has in order for your divorce case to proceed. Divorce laws can be complex. Learn more about hiring a divorce attorney.

Your Next Steps

“My divorce was very complicated, involving my company profit sharing plan and stock options. Mr. Carr’s knowledge of the law was awesome…he helped to save my assets.”
San Mateo

“Very professional, very punctual. Will be helpful to other clients.”

San Francisco

“I liked Mr. Carr over other attorneys because he was more self-assured and he had more legal knowledge of Divorce.”

South San Francisco

“Made everything less burdening…very quick, very discreet, and very helpful.”

San Bruno

Start Your Divorce Case

California Divorce Petition

 A spouse must file a divorce petition in order to obtain a divorce in California. There are 2 legal grounds for divorce in California: (A) Irreconcilable differences; and (B) permanent legal incapacity to make decisions.


Along with the petition for divorce, the court will issue a summons. The summons contains standard family law restraining orders that apply to every case automatically. These family law restraining orders provide, among other things, that minor children cannot be removed from California without the prior written consent of the other parent or court order. The family law restraining order also restrains the cashing, borrowing, or transferring of community property or separate property without the prior written consent of the other spouse or court order, except that such property may be used in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life. There are other automatic restraining orders as well.

Service of Divorce Petition and Summons

You, as the filing spouse, then must have your spouse served with the divorce petition and summons.  There are special rules for serving the divorce petition and summons. He or she must then file and serve a response within 30 calendar days of being served.

Contested and Uncontested Divorce Cases

If a written response is filed, the parties may agree with all the issues in the divorce, such as division of community property and child custody and support. As a result, the divorce case may proceed as uncontested and the parties may submit a stipulated judgment or marital settlement agreement and judgment to the court. However, if the parties do not agree on all the issues of the divorce, then the case is contested and the court will conduct a trial. 

Declaration of Disclosure

Whether contested or uncontested, the parties must exchange financial information through Declarations of Disclosure prior to judgment in California. The Declarations Of Disclosure are several forms that require each party to list their assets, liabilities, income, and living expenses. In addition, the parties may discover assets, financial information, and other information through the California discovery procedures., such as written interrogatories, subpoenas, production of documents, and other discovery procedures.

Divorce Trial

Pending trial, one spouse may request temporary joint or sole custody of children, child support, and spousal support, among other orders.  At trial, the court decides the proper division of community property and community debts, assignment of separate property, permanent child custody, child support, and alimony. After trial, a judgment for divorce is entered. 

A divorce judgment will become final after the waiting period of 6 months and one day. The 6-months-and-a-day-rule starts to run when either the responding spouse is served with summons and divorce petition or a written response is filed and served in court.

 What are the hardest stages of divorce?

The hardest stage of divorce is when a couple initially decides to end their marriage. The spouses are typically highly emotional, and the topic of divorce is stressful. This is clearly the hardest part of the entire divorce process.

The spouses come to the recognition that they have “irreconcilable differences,” as required under California law. If they have a prenuptial agreement in place, the spouses may attempt to arbitrate or mediate their issues first should the prenuptial agreement call for it.

Another stage of divorce that can be difficult for the spouses will be the division of assets and liabilities of the marriage, i.e. community property and debts. Although the issues involved appear (at least to an attorney) to be formulaic, financial, and dry, the couple often become bitter and emotional that they are not receiving their fair share.

Finally, the issues of child custody, visitation, and support will be another difficult stage. A parents will often have his or her own opinion on what are the “best interests” of their child or children, especially where child custody and visitation are involved. This leads to conflicts and disagreements.

In all of these stages, a competent and experienced divorce attorney such as Keith F. Carr can manage expectations of a client and guide the spouses toward a solution that will not involve in-depth litigation with attendant fees and costs.  

Will I have to go to court for uncontested divorce California? 

An experienced divorce attorney can help the spouses navigate the divorce system, submit the required paperwork, and submit a court judgment, all without a court hearing.

The answer is no, if the parties can agree to “all” issues in the divorce, and are able to complete the required paperwork to submit a court judgment. This is easier said than done.

What is the “6 month” rule for divorce in California? 

In California, a judgment will only becomes “final” when the parties allow six months and one day from the date the court acquired jurisdiction of the case. Jurisdiction by the court in California is acquired either by service of the divorce petition on the respondent or when the respondent appears generally in the divorce proceeding.

Note that if the time expires past six months and a day, then the judgment will become final on the subsequent date after 6 months and a day. This occurs when the parties engage in lengthy litigation even leading to trial.

What to expect when going through a divorce?

It is important that you have a trusted divorce lawyer who can guide you through the entire divorce process and protect your rights. This lawyer may represent you and be your advocate for a substantial amount of time.

You should request an initial consultation from a prospective lawyer. Attorney Keith F. Carr, for instance, will listen to your concerns for the divorce process and offer suggestions on how our office can help you in your pending proceedings. 

You will have the opportunity to share personal information about your marriage, community assets, and children. In addition, you may recount instances of abuse or domestic violence in the marriage. Your next course of action will be recommended.

About Author

Keith F. Carr is an attorney practicing Divorce, Estate Planning, and Bankruptcy. Attorney Keith F. Carr has over 35 years experience. Founder of Law Offices of Keith F. Carr, located in San Francisco, San Jose, and Palo Alto, Ca.

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